
why i revamped my website (again)

I think I was starting to see neocities as a form of social media platform rather than a web hosting platform, because it kind of is. It has followers, you have a the activities page that functions as a "feed", with both a "for you" (global activity) and a "following". I started to care about curating my website to show a perfect image of myself rather than the dump of my mind it was originally intended to be. Neocities is a cconsiderably better form of social media than the main stream options (there's no censorship, for one), but yeah, this is a very messy blog post because I'm writing it freestyle, but essentially, I'm trying to use Neocities as a webhoster rather than the way I used to use it, a social media. I'm only going to discover new sites by blogrolls from now on. I disabled my account page but I created an RSS feed for anyone interested in still getting updates :).