american football is really the sport with the sluttiest men oh my goff
creepypasta fans self-inserted into jeff the killer so hard (edgy teen sees edgy teen) I just watched a jeff the killer vs slenderman video where jeff stood a chance.... ARE YOU KIDDING ME??????? He's like a 16 or 17 HUMAN boy and slenderman has tentacles growing out of his back and can teleport omg
One time I had a dream about a hacker who kept exposing everyone around me's dirt and I got so stressed about him that I needed to MOVE but he showed up in my house and just stayed there.... He became my situationship/friend/crush? I had a really bad crush on him but I was scared of telling him cause i thought he'd reject me and make fun of me. We brushed our teeth together...
Everytime I have a dream about someone kidnapping me (HAPPENS relatively often) it always ends with me bootlicking them so they don't hurt me.... one time I had a dream I was kidnapped and I got a way to escape but I didn't because 'it's not gonna be good there'????????
I need a gf who watches videos on 'how to be mysterious', 'how to embrace your DARK FEMININE', 'how to become a FEMME FATALE'--and has a tiktok and a pinterest and uses tiktok shop to buy skincare and wellness products so fucking baddddd. I need a girlfriend who won't talk to me because she's mewing. I need an annoying dumb girlfriend.
New crime idea: Clip Studio Paint brush piracy. This is the drew kai brush set on csp
04/02/25I really don't like action focused comics and I find them terribly boring.... My eyes are very bad at registering information so most of the time the motion blurred fighting looks like nothing to me, I can not tell what is going in.... I'm just bad at imagining the motion I think. Also I just don't care too much about cool fights as I used to....
01/02/25I'm like if a yandere didn't actually love their person of interest and was unfaithful unloyal too
01/02/25In terms of personality and or my relationships I am either like the fiance the female lead of a rofan divorces because he neglected her and after the divorce he becomes obsessed with her and thinks everything she does is for his attention, or the random wasian motherfucker from europe who flies in to korea to meet his childhood friend (fl) who hes been infatuated with since kindergarten and he keeps being freaky to her even though she likes the other, black haired guy. So who want me?
26/01/25 - rant about 'fetishization yaoi stuff
I think it's so stupid how people claim that straight women are fetishizing gay men by making only "top buff masculine guy + bottom skinny feminine guy" ships, and that REAL GAY MEN only make the true unfetishized gay relationships. But most of the gay romance I've seen targeted towards men I've seen is "Normal to kind of muscular man + bottom short feminine guy with the fattest ass ever". And about bara. If normal yaoi is fetish work about tiny little twinks with big guys, isn't bara (the stuff that's targeted towards gay men in japan) just a fetish of huge buff hairy guys? I don't know. A fetish is just a sexual attraction outside of what's considered normal, it's not like they're bad, and it's not like you can escape making a work completley devoid of fetishes. Everything is a fetish to atleast someone, I think lamps that have bendable coils are sexy and I have kissed one of my lamps several times.
I think saying something is bad based on attributes of the person who made it is wrong.
Anyways uh, I think it's unfair to try to fault a fictional work for being unrealistic and fetishizy when there are like 8 billion people on earth and a pretty sizable portion of them do do the things that are seen as unrealistic. I mean, lots of guys act like the little yaoi twinks online. Are they doing something wrong by being like that and doing what they want? No, so why is it wrong to like those types of guys being paired up with the guys they usually want to e paired up with... If only things that are considered realistic and 'normal', not ever suspect to being a sick perversion by the author, then what stories are even left to tell? The ones that are normal? Normal doesn't even exist, normal only exist in fiction. I think the fetish fearmongering and "oh the author is hiding their sick FETISHES into this work" is really annoying. Espcially the stuff about normal gags in kids cartoons about farting, feet, whatever the things kids find gross, even if it is a fetish then what harm is that even going to do to the children watching it?
Okay, I guess another way to complain about it is to say that people are turning masculine guy characters into twinks. I say, who cares... Everyone has a different interpretation of art and fictional characters are just concepts you can bend to your own whims. If you don't like the twink fandom perception of a guy you think is masculine then just don't look at that? It's not your problem is someone else wants to draw your favorite "masculine" character as skinny and in a pink babydoll lingerie dress.
I'm gonna be the first person to have a parasocial relationship with their fans, just watch......babe.
17/01/25 - Card divination
I have a theory on how card divination can really work. I think by forcing yourself to interpret the meanings of the cards (with or without a guide), it brings forth the thoughts in your subconscious that you're ignoring for whatever reason but are probably true. I bet this could work with any set of playing cards.
Early 2010s Lily Singh is so hot... like she's kind of assertive and mean but it's nice. she dresses so handsome and is so pretty. um. I watched "T. blockers" (2023) and thought it was nice, Sophie character felt a bit disposed of. Is it because of the mysterious goop?
Does it count as promotion if i make a tv tropes page for my webcomic or no
I just feel like I'm the only one putting effort into this parasocial relationship.
My next project will be a gacha life mini movie (30 minutes to an hour long hopefully) with a musical sequence in it too. It will specifically be gacha life because I think all the other ones have ugly garish displays.
15/12/24 - Justin Bieber
I fell into an old memes (mid to late 2000s - early to mid 2010s) rabbit hole on pinterest lately, so here.
I need every kid's youtube channel youtuber to quit and make videos talking about their experiences making the kids content so bad. What goes through a person's mind while they are screaming at a camera "TODAY WE ARE GOING TO BE PLAYING EXTREME HIDE AND SEEK FOR 24 HOURS" ? (Probably increasing the number of their bank account). Anyways, It'd be funny and great for that to happen, partially because I kind of have nostalgia for some of them...... i missss themmmm pleaseeeeee commmmeeee bacccckkkkk tooooo mmeeeee waaaahhhhh iiiiii mmmmiisss yyyyyyyouuuu pleeeeeaaaasssseeeeeee plllllleeeeeaaaassseeee mmmmmmmooooooommmmmmmmmmmmyyyyyyyyyy
Sometimes I worry that because I'm such a shut-in, my characters and stories don't feel real since I haven't been basing them off things from actual real life out in the widerness, but then I remember that the world does not exist and everything and everyone is fake.
Tommorow I have to publish a 5 page update of the red eyed sheet (my webcomic) and i'm really scared because I drew those pages like 2-3 months ago when I was going through something and they look weird..... also the plot beat is a little bizzare (to me, because I forget parts of my own comic so I don't have contexts) so I'm scared about that too. Comics!! :D.
Fun Fact: eating any food that doesn't have atleast 2 healthline articles outlining it's health benefits is illegal and punishable by death.
idea: make a character who is genuinely just you, make them really sexy, release it out into the world to see how people treat&talk about the character. Boom! who needs a therapist or psychiatrist(is that how you spell it..) when you have random strangers on the internet?
02/12/24 ~ The Substance movie
I watched The Substance movie. I thought it was good and I liked it. I liked the soundtrack and score. I loved Elizabeth, Sue and of course Elizasue u.u as characters.
The claustrophobic cinematography was great. I liked the colors of the movie. It was a very well-made movie.
26/11/24 ~ Wicked movie
I watched the Wicked movie and I thought it was a well crafted film. I enjoyed the choreography, plot, music, and characters. I thought Fiyero, Elphaba, and Glenda/Glinda were all lovely and well crafted characters. My favorite songs was "No one mourns the wicked" and "What is this feeling?". I highly reccomend the film. I have never seen the musical.
napoleon x boxer (the Animal Farm characters)
when people in media analysis videos talk about the motivations of a character and add "-That doesn't mean their actions are justified" after...like what are you gonna do if I do justify their actions in my head?
17/11/24 ~ Literally my Life by MyLifeAsEva
The story told in the song "Literally My Life" by MyLifeAsEva is really interesting. The main character (pov character) is someone who avoids real life in order to escape into a fake, perfect version of reality created from the artifica, "aesthetic'" pictures posted online. In the beginning of the music video, mc declines an invitation to a party to be alone in her room looking at these photos and imagining herself living a fantasy life, in which partying is one of the fantasies. She sings the lyric "I still can't find a bae" as the video shows her not noticing a boy trying to ask her out because she's distracted looking at her phone.
The song ends with her trying to live out her fantasies in real life and it not being up to par, then one of her guy classmates shows up at her house and asks her to hang out, making her realize that the way she's been missing out on real life to go live an imaginary life through the online world. it would've kind of funny(and more to my taste) if it ended with some kind of harrowing ending where she's just stuck fantasizing forever, but it's a sane song. These are some lyrics are kind of stood out to me because I thought they were interesting (for the story of the song)
- "Inside the sheets with the screen lighting up my face / I've got my life laid out in a visual space"
- "But here online where / I can do anything"
- "Hey let's get lost in / one million pins and tweets / I'll live my life like Kylie / and buy expensive sweets / my nails will be too long / to get done anything / I'll sip artistic latte's / and rock expensive bling"
I like the last lyrics especially because it's clear the main character got these ideas just from the images that Kylie Jenner(I assume that's who is being talked about...) posted on instagram at the time. Her fantasy life is so oddly specific in a way that can only happen if you see it through aesthetic moodboards and collages.
I think it's such a shame that her audience was way too young to properly understand the message of the song and ended up actually using the song/music vdeo as their "fantasy" for highschool while living out the exact tale of the main character. I'm sure Eva, as a content creator and influencer at the time who was widely admired, put a lot of her own thoughts into the song about the internet and the culture at the time (early-to-mid 2010s). It's almost like she was warning her audience.
I've been interested in the 2010s internet culture lately, so I'll probably make up some characters and a story setting place in that time soon. Yeah, that'll be fun.
I don't like updating my RSS feed because I don't want anyone to know that I'm doing anything ever.
I love going through my old sketchbooks so I can see glimpses into to what inner conflict I was battling at that time (through either my drawings changing subject or scattered jottings on the page)