
people being scared of making a site

I think a lot of people are scared of making a website because they don't realize that it doesn't need to be complicated or fancy, like at all. The meat on a website's bones is far more important than way it's presentation or plating. Sure, aesthetics is a major draw for a lot of people and many will keep up with a site just for the way it looks, but think of books.

Most books are just literally just words on a plain white background. Classic books aren't loved for the texture of their paper or the beauty of their covers, they're loved for the encapturing timeless stories kept within those blank white pages. This is the same philosophy that should be kept with websites.

I still use social media just to keep up with a few people that post about the niche art I enjoy, and I would give the entire world for any of them to make a website that is literally just a ".txt" file with all their thoughts in it. Anyways moral of the story make a website and share your thoughts, the internet is vast and you're bound to touch the soul of someone else.